This article was published by the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio in 1986.
How much all changes overtime!! I was for more than forty years a free-lance contributor to El Mercurio newspaper. In 1947 I participated in a trip to the Antarctic territory as El Mercurio representative; this took place during the second Chilean expedition to the mentioned continent. During ten years I regularly sent to the newspaper my writings and articles from India, then from Yugoslavia and Austria. Today, the same newspaper, in 1986, uses a whole page to attack and laugh at me. During 1947, and later on in 1951, when I visited Europe for the first time the Director of El Mercurio, Mr. Rafael Maluenda, an unforgettable friend and writer always published my articles about Hitler and Berchtesgaden, he respected my Believes that have been always the same, that I have never changed. What did change in our country? Nowadays, there is no mutual respect; no one recognizes other people’s values, neither duties nor task accomplished, not to say a man keeps his believes, moreover, that a man has an ideology. Something very important has been modified, something has been destroyed forever. Gentlemen have disappeared, as each other’s respect, honor and loyalty and especially friendship. It has disappeared, in Chile, what made each other friends despite we had different opinions, we were friends because were Chilean, because were gentlemen. There is something that pulls downhill in our country, something inherited from Spain, from the not Visigoth one, from the one with diverse blood origins and even opposite blood origins, this can be summarized in one word: Envy. There is a trend to destroy everything outstanding, beauty, to destroy creativity, and talent. All aforesmentioned made Gabriela Mistral say in a very domestic style: “I am not coming to live in Chile back because over there I will be called ‘La Gabi’[1] and I will be taken (‘pal fideo’[2]) not seriously.” This probably made also to Claudio Arrau change his nationality by the American one.
I will write this time about my beliefs, in the same newspaper which tried to laugh at me, because I have the right to defend them, I will not defend me because in this case is less important.
A little bit of history
I am a National Socialist since 1938 because the murdered of the Chilean Nazis. I was not a National Socialist back then, but a young writer having no connections with political parties. In those days my feelings were closer to the Left given the dead of a young friend of mine, the writer Héctor Barreto who became a socialist. We were very young and as expected we reacted emotionally. In any case, because of being a true aristocrat, who belongs to ancient good stocks of Chile and Spain, I never was and never could be part of the plutocratic and economic Right of this country, and of no other country, the same as my uncle Joaquin Fernández y Fernández, as my grandfather Joaquin Fernández Blanco, as my great grandfather Pedro and his brother Domingo Fernández Concha and as my uncle, the poet, Vicente Huidobro Fernández. We tended to be closer to the Left, to better say closer to the poor ones, to the humble ones, to the “nobles who are in the bottom,” the real ones, the ones that have nothing, but honor and loyalty. When I was a little boy my father taught me this, saying: “Nobility can be found in both extremes, in the true aristocrats and in simple people, the worst ones are the plutocrats and snobs.”
This is a brief story, my story as well, this is the History of Chile, a story told from forgotten years, from already dark decades that still keeps its roots, but hidden, despite all that has been done to erase them, the same roots of later events of our political and social history, as I explain in detail in my book Adolf Hitler, The Last Avatar.